Interviewed ::: YiFei from ‘Loopy’

中文 – CHINESE VERSION (see below for English)











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Wechat: loopylive Weibo: @loopy


Instagram: loopy_live

enquiry and reservation:, 

phone: +86 156 5801 8959 / 186 5718 8959

Address: 313, 77 Zhongshan South Road, Hangzhou



What is the concept behind Loopy? What makes the venue stand out from the crowd?

There is always someone keep doing things in order to make the city getting better, no matter what he is doing, it only rely on his passionate for career and love for life.

Of course, Loopy is one of them, like all crowd, normal and peaceful, born naturally and die timely. But if we have to admit something that makes Loopy unique, i would say enable and inspire. It will keep bringing people fresh experience and leave something behind, fortunately.


Can you tell me a little about loopy’s design and specifications?

It is a try that loopy was placed in a typical shopping mall, Architectural design language made this interior space have different area with different atmosphere. people can keep exploring as there are full of surprises at very corner, even from the outside. and there is always perfect place that you can finally settle down.

What kind of music can people expect to hear?

Mainly electronic music, sometimes other types as well, Performers including Bands, DJs, Musicians, Visual Artists, etc. also loopy is very interested in  audio/ visual and contemporary media work and installations.

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What do you think of the Hangzhou music scene?

Like i said, all those artists, labels, event organisers and venues are making Hangzhou’s music scene getting better. Everyone in this industry are getting more professional and international, as well as the market. Especially those teenagers in these days are improving their ability of telling music stories, even their life story too, all of these are great for the city and i am expecting.

 Beside the music, what else does loopy offer?

Almost every experience related to music.  for example, hundreds of new release and second hand records you can try, brand-related products for sale and relaxed atmosphere that you can enjoy conversation with everyone. Also Spanish tapas and alcohol are indispensable.

If someone wants to play at your new venue, how do they do this?

Better come over and check the venue. Experience it and have a cup of tea.


Wechat: loopylive Weibo: @loopy


Instagram: loopy_live

enquiry and reservation:, 

phone: +86 156 5801 8959 / 186 5718 8959

Address: 313, 77 Zhongshan South Road, Hangzhou